Our ScaleUp Experts are experienced entrepreneurs who have made their own company big using the Scaling Up method. He/she will provide guidance during the masterclass. Supplemented with examples, exercises and experiences of peers, you will be given tools to grow further. A team of 50 ScaleUp Experts is ready to work with your team to build your most challenging entrepreneurial dream.
What is going well in the organisation? What could be better? What are you going to tackle? Step out of the daily routine to discover where you stand with your organisation.
Almost all leadership teams run into the same problems with growing. In the masterclass, you will learn an awful lot by sharing stories.
What do you stand for and what do you want to achieve? In other words, what is the core of the organisation. Together we do a first draft to set your course.
The Scaling Up methodology is used by thousands of companies worldwide. You will learn how to successfully implement the method in your organisation.
One of our scale-up coaches will guide the session. A coach is (has been) an entrepreneur himself for many years and is trained to help scale-ups grow.
Simply acquiring knowledge is of no use. We will move directly to action with you. This day is the beginning of more focus, more revenue and more fun in your organisation.
Scaling Up is a proven growth formula used by thousands of companies worldwide. During the masterclass, you will learn all about the methodology. We will work with three main topics. These are strategy, execution, and people. We cover all facets of the One Page Strategic Plan (OPSP). To learn the methodology better, you also get exercises that make you think about the core of your organisation. After this day, you will know the basics of Scaling Up.
Do you know where you stand with the organisation and what you need to work on in the near future? You gain these insights by completing the assessment. Before the masterclass, you will complete an assessment that we will discuss that day. Based on the completed questionnaire, we work with you to establish growth goals for the organisation. In addition, we are going to determine the three most important learnings that you can get started with right away. After this day, you will know what you can work on.
With more employees, complexity increases and with it the need for alignment. That coordination must be organised. Each stage of growth brings resistance and pitfalls. Each phase requires a different way of leadership and organisational structure. During the masterclass you will gain insight into the five growth phases, you will know which growth phase your organisation is in, and you will have noted down actions to get started immediately.
The masterclass is open to both entrepreneurs and leadership teams. Specifically with a focus on companies that have not yet or have just started Scaling Up. Teams working with the methodology and others who are not started yet, are of course also welcome.
When can you participate?
What others say about this masterclass
Proven results after the masterclass
This masterclass is for your organisation's leadership team, MT or ScaleUp team.
You certainly can. We often see that some companies start on their own, but later come to us for guidance in the process.
You certainly can. Cost is R35 000 for half a day. We would be happy to match a suitable ScaleUp expert with your organisation. Want more information? Get in touch using the contact form kontaktformularen >>
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